Monday, November 24, 2008

Tag challenge...

So jodi this is for you.

The rules are:
* Post the the 4 picture you have in one of your folder photos
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag 3 people
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
Okay, here goes:

1. I am working 2 jobs and my new favorite place to work is at Gold's gym where I am water aerobics instructor
2. Still addicted to guacamole
3. I still cannot make homemade bread no matter how many classes I have taken
4. Have joined a book club....which I know those who know me best are shocked
5. Love Antiques Road-show and KBYU
6. Lost 35lb's these past 7 months thanks to weight off to hawaii we go in March!

I tag Mandi K, Sally W, and Melissa P.  Have fun!


di said...

hey! i found your blog off of mandi's. hope that is okay that i snooped at yours! hope that your doing well and that you had a great thanksgiving!
so fun to see pictures of your cute family!
(3rd ward)

Victoria Ross said...

HI, How are you guys? Still hanging in there? I haven't heard form you and was wondering if all well? I sure miss the kids! I think my kids do to, their starting to say thngs like Remember when Dannie did this? Or Izac did that? And how cute Jack was when he does this... We miss you guys!!! Love you guys! Vicki and the Fam.